How to configure LACP, vLANs and Jumbo Frames on Cohesity and Cisco Nexus



This article describes the procedure to enable LACP / 802.3ad, vLANs and Jumbo Frames on Cohesity cluster.


  • This is a green-field deployment document, not a conversion.
  • The Cohesity unit has already completed the cluster setup and has allocated and assigned IPs for IPMI, Node and VIP interfaces.
  • No vlans are configured on the Cohesity cluster.
  • Cisco Nexus ports are configured as access ports on the storage management vlan
  • Cisco Nexus 93180 Switching is in place and VPCs are established.
  • Management is on a separate switch.
  • Storage Management vLAN = 10
  • Production 1 vLAN = 20
  • Production 2 vLAN = 30
  • IPMI has interfaces are established on your storage management network.


I am not responsible if YOU blow up YOUR systems. Do your homework.


Node cabling guide


vLANs and Subnets


Procedure Overview

Order of Operations

Items 3-8 in the below list must be repeated for each node in the cluster.

  1. Configure Required vLANs on Cisco Nexus switches
  2. Configure interface descriptions on Cisco Nexus interfaces
  3. Configure Cisco Nexus switches for LACP
  4. Configure Cohesity Node(s) for LACP
  5. Configure Cisco Nexus switches for Jumbo Frames
  6. Configure Cohesity Node(s) for Jumbo Frames
  7. Configure Cisco Nexus switches for vLANs
  8. Configure Cohesity Node(s) for vLANs

Initial switch configurations

Configure vLANs on switch A & B

Config t
vlan 10
 name 10_STORMGMT
vlan 20
 name 20_Prod1
vlan 30
 name 30_Prod2
copy run st

Configure Port descriptions

Switch A

Config t
interface Ethernet1/1
description Cohesity-N1-P0
interface Ethernet1/2
description Cohesity-N2-P0
interface Ethernet1/3
description Cohesity-N3-P0
interface Ethernet1/3
description Cohesity-N3-P0
copy run st

Switch B

Config t
interface Ethernet1/1
description Cohesity-N1-P1
interface Ethernet1/2
description Cohesity-N2-P1
interface Ethernet1/3
description Cohesity-N3-P1
interface Ethernet1/3
description Cohesity-N3-P1
copy run st

Node 1


Cisco LACP Configuration

This is a 2 step processes. First, we must configure the port channel interfaces then we must add the member interfaces to the port-channel interface.

Switch A & B

Config t
interface port-channel1
description Cohesity-N1
switchport mode access
switchport access vlan 10
copy run st

Switch A & B

Config t
interface Ethernet1/1
channel-group 1 mode active
interface port-channel1
vpc 1
copy run st

Cohesity LACP Configuration

To enable LACP / 802.3ad on the cluster, the bond mode should be changed on the cluster and changes should be made on the switch to ensure network connectivity on the nodes. If LACP needs to be enabled for the entire cluster, the procedure should be followed on all the nodes, one node at a time to avoid any cluster service disruption. The following is the procedure to enable LACP.

  1. Login to the cluster node using SSH. For login credentials, please contact Cohesity Support.
  2. Edit bond0 interface and set the bond mode to 4.
sudo vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-bond0

Change the “BONDING_OPTS” line and change the mode to 4 and save the file.

BONDING_OPTS="mode=4 miimon=100"
  1. Enable LACP/LAG configuration from the switch
  2. Restart the network on the node to enable LACP of the Cohesity node. Please ignore any Node down alert generated.
sudo systemctl restart network
  1. Run the following iris_cli command to set the new bonding mode in the cluster configuration.
iris_cli cluster -username= -password= edit-bm bonding-mode=4
  1. Check and confirm that the bond mode has changed on the nodes. Ensure that the bonding mode is set to “802.3ad  4”
[cohesity@cohesity-sre01-node-1 ~]$ cat /sys/class/net/bond0/bonding/mode 802.3ad 4
  1. Restart nexus and nexus_proxy services to ensure that the VIPs are up.
sudo systemctl stop nexus stop
sudo systemctl start nexus start

Verify LACP Configuration


Run the show vpc command to validate the output, if further

sudo systemctl stop nexus

9k-sw01# sh vpc 1
vPC status
Id    Port          Status Consistency Reason                Active vlans
—    ————  —— ———– ——                —————
1    Po1          up     success     success               1,10,20,30

Please check “show vpc consistency-parameters vpc ” for the
consistency reason of down vpc and for type-2 consistency reasons forany vpc.

9k-sw01# show port-channel summary interface port-channel 1

Flags:  D – Down        P – Up in port-channel (members)
I – Individual  H – Hot-standby (LACP only)
s – Suspended   r – Module-removed
b – BFD Session Wait
S – Switched    R – Routed
U – Up (port-channel)
p – Up in delay-lacp mode (member)
M – Not in use. Min-links not met


Group Port-       Type     Protocol  Member Ports



1    Po1(SU)    Eth      LACP      Eth1/1(P)


Confirm that LACP configuration is successful by browsing to that node with the Node IP.

Jumbo Frames

Cisco Jumbo Frames Configuration

Switch A & B
Config t
interface port-channel1
mtu 9216
copy run st

Cohesity Jumbo Frames Configuration

To enable Jumbo Frames, first ensure that the switch ports have the MTU set to 9000 and every network hop between those hosts and the Cohesity cluster also have the MTU set to 9000. Once the MTU has been set on the path between all hosts and the Cohesity cluster, log into each node and manually set the MTU size to 9000 on each of the network interfaces involved. The following procedure ca be used to change MTU on the cluster nodes.

  1. Edit the bond0 configuration and set “MTU=9000”
sudo vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-bond0

The ifcfg-bond0 config file should have the MTU set to 9000.

BONDING_OPTS="mode=4 miimon=100"
  1. Update the cluster config and set the new MTU size. The following iris_cli command can be used.
iris_cli -username= -password= cluster update mtu=9000


iris_cli -username=cohesity -password=CohesityPassw0rd cluster update mtu=9000
  1. Restart nexus proxy to ensure that the VIPs MTU settings are changed. restarting nexus_proxy reinitialized the VIPs. “ stop && start”

Verify Jumbo Frames Configuration

9k-sw01# sh int po1 | inc MTU

The output of the show interface command should show MTU of 9216

MTU 9216 bytes, BW 10000000 Kbit, DLY 10 usec
netstat -ian

The output of the netstat command should show MTU of 9000 for all bond0* interfaces.

bond0     9000 726974917      0 620460 0      3353577236      0      0      0 BMmRU
bond0:3   9000      - no statistics available -                        BMmRU
bond0:av  9000      - no statistics available -                        BMmRU
enp7s0f0  1500        0      0      0 0             0      0      0      0 BMU
enp7s0f1  1500        0      0      0 0             0      0      0      0 BMU
ens802f0  1500 726400981      0   5784 0      3353577233      0      0      0 BMsRU
ens802f1  1500   573938      0 573938 0             3      0      0      0 BMsRU
lo       65536 102513458      0      0 0      102513458      0      0      0 LRU



  1. With Cisco Nexus Port-Channels you should always add the interface to the port-channel with only the description configured. All Switchport and MTU details should be added to the port-channel interfaces and the member interfaces will inherit the configuration.   Cisco Nexus 9000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 7.x
  2. (I have not been able to confirm this) Cohesity uses the Native vlan for cluster communications and this is the reason I have set the native vlan on the port-channel interfaces. Network security best practices state you should not allow any traffic over vlan 1. Most switch vendors use the “Default vlan” of 1.  

Cisco vLAN Configuration

Switch A and B
Config t
interface port-channel1
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk allowed vlan 10,20,30
Switchport trunk native vlan 2
copy run st

Cohesity vLAN Configuration

Cohesity did not document the fact that you need to configure the first vlan interface on the node. This is needed to be able to access the user interface post network port vlan trunk conversion. The fact that they added vlan management to the user interface in 5.x is much simpler to add “Additional” vlans however the NODE ip vlan interface still needs to be done first from the shell. I’ve also noticed that vlans configured from the user interface are dynamically build and taken down on cluster starts and stops. I’m more comfortable having the NODE interface vlan statically configured as I know it will be active always regardless of other operations.

First, we must manually configure the node interface vlan on bond0

This is done by copying the existing bond0 config file

Copy config file
Cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/
Sudo cp ifcfg-bond0 ifcfg-bond0.10

Now update the config files according

Bond0 need to have all IP related info as it is no longer needed. The only remaining information is the interface bonding detail and MTU (NOTE: MTU must match on all the interfaces including the vlan interfaces)

Update bond0
Sudo vi ifcfg-bond0


This should be the final file contents:

BONDING_OPTS="mode=4 miimon=100"
Update bond0.10

Here we need to make some changes info to identify it as a vlan interface. First, we need to rename the device field and append the .10 (or vlan ID) to it. Next, we need to add the following fields: VLAN=yes, TYPE=Ethernet and lastly remove the bonding options “BONDING_OPTS”

Sudo vi ifcfg-bond0.10
BONDING_OPTS="mode=4 miimon=100"

This should be the final file contents


Node 2


Cisco LACP Configuration

This is a 2 step processes. First, we must configure the port channel interfaces then we must add the member interfaces to the port-channel interface.

Switch A & B

Config t
interface port-channel2
description Cohesity-N2
switchport mode access
switchport access vlan 10
copy run st

Switch A & B

Config t
interface Ethernet1/2
channel-group 2 mode active
interface port-channel2
vpc 2
copy run st


Cohesity LACP Configuration

To enable LACP / 802.3ad on the cluster, the bond mode should be changed on the cluster and changes should be made on the switch to ensure network connectivity on the nodes. If LACP needs to be enabled for the entire cluster, the procedure should be followed on all the nodes, one node at a time to avoid any cluster service disruption. The following is the procedure to enable LACP.

  1. Login to the cluster node using SSH. For login credentials, please contact Cohesity Support.
  2. Edit bond0 interface and set the bond mode to 4.
sudo vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-bond0

Change the “BONDING_OPTS” line and change the mode to 4 and save the file.

BONDING_OPTS="mode=4 miimon=100"
  1. Enable LACP/LAG configuration from the switch
  2. Restart the network on the node to enable LACP of the Cohesity node. Please ignore any Node down alert generated.
sudo systemctl restart network
  1. Run the following iris_cli command to set the new bonding mode in the cluster configuration.
iris_cli cluster -username= -password= edit-bm bonding-mode=4
  1. Check and confirm that the bond mode has changed on the nodes. Ensure that the bonding mode is set to “802.3ad  4”
[cohesity@cohesity-sre01-node-2 ~]$ cat /sys/class/net/bond0/bonding/mode 802.3ad 4
  1. Restart nexus and nexus_proxy services to ensure that the VIPs are up.
sudo systemctl stop nexus stop
sudo systemctl start nexus start

Verify LACP Configuration


Run the show vpc command to validate the output, if further

9k-sw01# sh vpc 2
vPC status
Id    Port          Status Consistency Reason                Active vlans
—    ————  —— ———– ——                —————
2    Po2          up     success     success               1,10,20,30

Please check “show vpc consistency-parameters vpc ” for the
consistency reason of down vpc and for type-2 consistency reasons forany vpc.

9k-sw01# show port-channel summary interface port-channel 2

Flags:  D – Down        P – Up in port-channel (members)
I – Individual  H – Hot-standby (LACP only)
s – Suspended   r – Module-removed
b – BFD Session Wait
S – Switched    R – Routed
U – Up (port-channel)
p – Up in delay-lacp mode (member)
M – Not in use. Min-links not met


Group Port-       Type     Protocol  Member Ports



2    Po2(SU)    Eth      LACP      Eth1/2(P


Confirm that LACP configuration is successful by browsing to that node with the Node IP.

Jumbo Frames

Cisco Jumbo Frames Configuration

Switch A & B
Config t
interface port-channel2
mtu 9216
copy run st

Cohesity Jumbo Frames Configuration

To enable Jumbo Frames, first ensure that the switch ports have the MTU set to 9000 and every network hop between those hosts and the Cohesity cluster also have the MTU set to 9000. Once the MTU has been set on the path between all hosts and the Cohesity cluster, log into each node and manually set the MTU size to 9000 on each of the network interfaces involved. The following procedure ca be used to change MTU on the cluster nodes.

  1. Edit the bond0 configuration and set “MTU=9000”
sudo vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-bond0

The ifcfg-bond0 config file should have the MTU set to 9000.

BONDING_OPTS="mode=4 miimon=100"
  1. Update the cluster config and set the new MTU size. The following iris_cli command can be used.
iris_cli -username= -password= cluster update mtu=9000


iris_cli -username=cohesity -password=CohesityPassw0rd cluster update mtu=9000
  1. Restart nexus proxy to ensure that the VIPs MTU settings are changed. restarting nexus_proxy reinitialized the VIPs. “ stop && start”

Verify Jumbo Frames Configuration

9k-sw01# sh int po2 | inc MTU

The output of the show interface command should show MTU of 9216

MTU 9216 bytes, BW 10000000 Kbit, DLY 10 usec
netstat -ian

The output of the netstat command should show MTU of 9000 for all bond0* interfaces.

bond0     9000 726974917      0 620460 0      3353577236      0      0      0 BMmRU
bond0:3   9000      - no statistics available -                        BMmRU
bond0:av  9000      - no statistics available -                        BMmRU
enp7s0f0  1500        0      0      0 0             0      0      0      0 BMU
enp7s0f1  1500        0      0      0 0             0      0      0      0 BMU
ens802f0  1500 726400981      0   5784 0      3353577233      0      0      0 BMsRU
ens802f1  1500   573938      0 573938 0             3      0      0      0 BMsRU
lo       65536 102513458      0      0 0      102513458      0      0      0 LRU



  1. With Cisco Nexus Port-Channels you should always add the interface to the port-channel with only the description configured. All Switchport and MTU details should be added to the port-channel interfaces and the member interfaces will inherit the configuration.   Cisco Nexus 9000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 7.x
  2. (I have not been able to confirm this) Cohesity uses the Native vlan for cluster communications and this is the reason I have set the native vlan on the port-channel interfaces. Network security best practices state you should not allow any traffic over vlan 1. Most switch vendors use the “Default vlan” of 1.  

Cisco vLAN Configuration

Switch A and B
Config t
interface port-channel2
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk allowed vlan 10,20,30
Switchport trunk native vlan 2
copy run st

Cohesity vLAN Configuration

Cohesity did not document the fact that you need to configure the first vlan interface on the node. This is needed to be able to access the user interface post network port vlan trunk conversion. The fact that they added vlan management to the user interface in 5.x is much simpler to add “Additional” vlans however the NODE ip vlan interface still needs to be done first from the shell. I’ve also noticed that vlans configured from the user interface are dynamically build and taken down on cluster starts and stops. I’m more comfortable having the NODE interface vlan statically configured as I know it will be active always regardless of other operations.

First, we must manually configure the node interface vlan on bond0

This is done by copying the existing bond0 config file

Copy config file
Cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/
Sudo cp ifcfg-bond0 ifcfg-bond0.10

Now update the config files according

Bond0 need to have all IP related info as it is no longer needed. The only remaining information is the interface bonding detail and MTU (NOTE: MTU must match on all the interfaces including the vlan interfaces)

Update bond0
Sudo vi ifcfg-bond0

BONDING_OPTS="mode=4 miimon=100"

This should be the final file contents:

BONDING_OPTS="mode=4 miimon=100"
Update bond0.10

Here we need to make some changes info to identify it as a vlan interface. First, we need to rename the device field and append the .10 (or vlan ID) to it. Next, we need to add the following fields: VLAN=yes, TYPE=Ethernet and lastly remove the bonding options “BONDING_OPTS”

Sudo vi ifcfg-bond0.10
BONDING_OPTS="mode=4 miimon=100"

This should be the final file contents


Node 3


Cisco LACP Configuration

This is a 2 step processes. First, we must configure the port channel interfaces then we must add the member interfaces to the port-channel interface.

Switch A & B

Config t
interface port-channel3
description Cohesity-N3
switchport mode access
switchport access vlan 10
copy run st

Switch A & B

Config t
interface Ethernet1/3
channel-group 3 mode active
interface port-channel3
vpc 3
copy run st

Cohesity LACP Configuration

To enable LACP / 802.3ad on the cluster, the bond mode should be changed on the cluster and changes should be made on the switch to ensure network connectivity on the nodes. If LACP needs to be enabled for the entire cluster, the procedure should be followed on all the nodes, one node at a time to avoid any cluster service disruption. The following is the procedure to enable LACP.

  1. Login to the cluster node using SSH. For login credentials, please contact Cohesity Support.
  2. Edit bond0 interface and set the bond mode to 4.
sudo vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-bond0

Change the “BONDING_OPTS” line and change the mode to 4 and save the file.

BONDING_OPTS="mode=4 miimon=100"
  1. Enable LACP/LAG configuration from the switch
  2. Restart the network on the node to enable LACP of the Cohesity node. Please ignore any Node down alert generated.
sudo systemctl restart network
  1. Run the following iris_cli command to set the new bonding mode in the cluster configuration.
iris_cli cluster -username= -password= edit-bm bonding-mode=4
  1. Check and confirm that the bond mode has changed on the nodes. Ensure that the bonding mode is set to “802.3ad  4”
[cohesity@cohesity-sre01-node-3 ~]$ cat /sys/class/net/bond0/bonding/mode 802.3ad 4
  1. Restart nexus and nexus_proxy services to ensure that the VIPs are up.
sudo systemctl stop nexus stop
sudo systemctl start nexus start

Verify LACP Configuration


Run the show vpc command to validate the output, if further

9k-sw01# sh vpc 3
vPC status
Id    Port          Status Consistency Reason                Active vlans
—    ————  —— ———– ——                —————
3    Po3          up     success     success               1,10,20,30

Please check “show vpc consistency-parameters vpc ” for the
consistency reason of down vpc and for type-2 consistency reasons forany vpc.

9k-sw01# show port-channel summary interface port-channel 3

Flags:  D – Down        P – Up in port-channel (members)
I – Individual  H – Hot-standby (LACP only)
s – Suspended   r – Module-removed
b – BFD Session Wait
S – Switched    R – Routed
U – Up (port-channel)
p – Up in delay-lacp mode (member)
M – Not in use. Min-links not met


Group Port-       Type     Protocol  Member Ports



3    Po3(SU)    Eth      LACP      Eth1/3(P


Confirm that LACP configuration is successful by browsing to that node with the Node IP.

Jumbo Frames

Cisco Jumbo Frames Configuration

Switch A & B
Config t
interface port-channel3
mtu 9216
copy run st

Cohesity Jumbo Frames Configuration

To enable Jumbo Frames, first ensure that the switch ports have the MTU set to 9000 and every network hop between those hosts and the Cohesity cluster also have the MTU set to 9000. Once the MTU has been set on the path between all hosts and the Cohesity cluster, log into each node and manually set the MTU size to 9000 on each of the network interfaces involved. The following procedure ca be used to change MTU on the cluster nodes.

  1. Edit the bond0 configuration and set “MTU=9000”
sudo vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-bond0

The ifcfg-bond0 config file should have the MTU set to 9000.

BONDING_OPTS="mode=4 miimon=100"
  1. Update the cluster config and set the new MTU size. The following iris_cli command can be used.
iris_cli -username= -password= cluster update mtu=9000


iris_cli -username=cohesity -password=CohesityPassw0rd cluster update mtu=9000
  1. Restart nexus proxy to ensure that the VIPs MTU settings are changed. restarting nexus_proxy reinitialized the VIPs. “ stop && start”

Verify Jumbo Frames Configuration

9k-sw01# sh int po3 | inc MTU

The output of the show interface command should show MTU of 9216

MTU 9216 bytes, BW 10000000 Kbit, DLY 10 usec
netstat -ian

The output of the netstat command should show MTU of 9000 for all bond0* interfaces.

bond0     9000 726974917      0 620460 0      3353577236      0      0      0 BMmRU
bond0:3   9000      - no statistics available -                        BMmRU
bond0:av  9000      - no statistics available -                        BMmRU
enp7s0f0  1500        0      0      0 0             0      0      0      0 BMU
enp7s0f1  1500        0      0      0 0             0      0      0      0 BMU
ens802f0  1500 726400981      0   5784 0      3353577233      0      0      0 BMsRU
ens802f1  1500   573938      0 573938 0             3      0      0      0 BMsRU
lo       65536 102513458      0      0 0      102513458      0      0      0 LRU



  1. With Cisco Nexus Port-Channels you should always add the interface to the port-channel with only the description configured. All Switchport and MTU details should be added to the port-channel interfaces and the member interfaces will inherit the configuration.   Cisco Nexus 9000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 7.x
  2. (I have not been able to confirm this) Cohesity uses the Native vlan for cluster communications and this is the reason I have set the native vlan on the port-channel interfaces. Network security best practices state you should not allow any traffic over vlan 1. Most switch vendors use the “Default vlan” of 1.  

Cisco vLAN Configuration

Switch A and B
Config t
interface port-channel3
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk allowed vlan 10,20,30
Switchport trunk native vlan 2
copy run st

Cohesity vLAN Configuration

Cohesity did not document the fact that you need to configure the first vlan interface on the node. This is needed to be able to access the user interface post network port vlan trunk conversion. The fact that they added vlan management to the user interface in 5.x is much simpler to add “Additional” vlans however the NODE ip vlan interface still needs to be done first from the shell. I’ve also noticed that vlans configured from the user interface are dynamically build and taken down on cluster starts and stops. I’m more comfortable having the NODE interface vlan statically configured as I know it will be active always regardless of other operations.

First, we must manually configure the node interface vlan on bond0

This is done by copying the existing bond0 config file

Copy config file
Cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/
Sudo cp ifcfg-bond0 ifcfg-bond0.10

Now update the config files according

Bond0 need to have all IP related info as it is no longer needed. The only remaining information is the interface bonding detail and MTU (NOTE: MTU must match on all the interfaces including the vlan interfaces)

Update bond0
Sudo vi ifcfg-bond0

BONDING_OPTS="mode=4 miimon=100"

This should be the final file contents:

BONDING_OPTS="mode=4 miimon=100"
Update bond0.10

Here we need to make some changes info to identify it as a vlan interface. First, we need to rename the device field and append the .10 (or vlan ID) to it. Next, we need to add the following fields: VLAN=yes, TYPE=Ethernet and lastly remove the bonding options “BONDING_OPTS”

Sudo vi ifcfg-bond0.10
BONDING_OPTS="mode=4 miimon=100"

This should be the final file contents


Node 4


Cisco LACP Configuration

This is a 2 step processes. First, we must configure the port channel interfaces then we must add the member interfaces to the port-channel interface.

Switch A & B

Config t
interface port-channel4
description Cohesity-N4
switchport mode access
switchport access vlan 10
copy run st

Switch A & B

Config t
interface Ethernet1/4
channel-group 4 mode active
interface port-channel4
vpc 4
copy run st

Cohesity LACP Configuration

To enable LACP / 802.3ad on the cluster, the bond mode should be changed on the cluster and changes should be made on the switch to ensure network connectivity on the nodes. If LACP needs to be enabled for the entire cluster, the procedure should be followed on all the nodes, one node at a time to avoid any cluster service disruption. The following is the procedure to enable LACP.

  1. Login to the cluster node using SSH. For login credentials, please contact Cohesity Support.
  2. Edit bond0 interface and set the bond mode to 4.
sudo vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-bond0

Change the “BONDING_OPTS” line and change the mode to 4 and save the file.

BONDING_OPTS="mode=4 miimon=100"
  1. Enable LACP/LAG configuration from the switch
  2. Restart the network on the node to enable LACP of the Cohesity node. Please ignore any Node down alert generated.
sudo systemctl restart network
  1. Run the following iris_cli command to set the new bonding mode in the cluster configuration.
iris_cli cluster -username= -password= edit-bm bonding-mode=4
  1. Check and confirm that the bond mode has changed on the nodes. Ensure that the bonding mode is set to “802.3ad  4”
[cohesity@cohesity-sre01-node-4 ~]$ cat /sys/class/net/bond0/bonding/mode 802.3ad 4
  1. Restart nexus and nexus_proxy services to ensure that the VIPs are up.
sudo systemctl stop nexus stop
sudo systemctl start nexus start

Verify LACP Configuration


Run the show vpc command to validate the output, if further

9k-sw01# sh vpc 4
vPC status
Id    Port          Status Consistency Reason                Active vlans
—    ————  —— ———– ——                —————
4    Po4          up     success     success               1,10,20,30

Please check “show vpc consistency-parameters vpc ” for the
consistency reason of down vpc and for type-2 consistency reasons forany vpc.

9k-sw01# show port-channel summary interface port-channel 4

Flags:  D – Down        P – Up in port-channel (members)
I – Individual  H – Hot-standby (LACP only)
s – Suspended   r – Module-removed
b – BFD Session Wait
S – Switched    R – Routed
U – Up (port-channel)
p – Up in delay-lacp mode (member)
M – Not in use. Min-links not met


Group Port-       Type     Protocol  Member Ports



4    Po4(SU)    Eth      LACP      Eth1/4(P


Confirm that LACP configuration is successful by browsing to that node with the Node IP.

Jumbo Frames

Cisco Jumbo Frames Configuration

Switch A & B
Config t
interface port-channel4
mtu 9216
copy run st

Cohesity Jumbo Frames Configuration

To enable Jumbo Frames, first ensure that the switch ports have the MTU set to 9000 and every network hop between those hosts and the Cohesity cluster also have the MTU set to 9000. Once the MTU has been set on the path between all hosts and the Cohesity cluster, log into each node and manually set the MTU size to 9000 on each of the network interfaces involved. The following procedure ca be used to change MTU on the cluster nodes.

  1. Edit the bond0 configuration and set “MTU=9000”
sudo vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-bond0

The ifcfg-bond0 config file should have the MTU set to 9000.

BONDING_OPTS="mode=4 miimon=100"
  1. Update the cluster config and set the new MTU size. The following iris_cli command can be used.
iris_cli -username= -password= cluster update mtu=9000


iris_cli -username=cohesity -password=CohesityPassw0rd cluster update mtu=9000
  1. Restart nexus proxy to ensure that the VIPs MTU settings are changed. restarting nexus_proxy reinitialized the VIPs. “ stop && start”

Verify Jumbo Frames Configuration

9k-sw01# sh int po4 | inc MTU

The output of the show interface command should show MTU of 9216

MTU 9216 bytes, BW 10000000 Kbit, DLY 10 usec
netstat -ian

The output of the netstat command should show MTU of 9000 for all bond0* interfaces.

bond0     9000 726974917      0 620460 0      3353577236      0      0      0 BMmRU
bond0:3   9000      - no statistics available -                        BMmRU
bond0:av  9000      - no statistics available -                        BMmRU
enp7s0f0  1500        0      0      0 0             0      0      0      0 BMU
enp7s0f1  1500        0      0      0 0             0      0      0      0 BMU
ens802f0  1500 726400981      0   5784 0      3353577233      0      0      0 BMsRU
ens802f1  1500   573938      0 573938 0             3      0      0      0 BMsRU
lo       65536 102513458      0      0 0      102513458      0      0      0 LRU



  1. With Cisco Nexus Port-Channels you should always add the interface to the port-channel with only the description configured. All Switchport and MTU details should be added to the port-channel interfaces and the member interfaces will inherit the configuration.   Cisco Nexus 9000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 7.x
  2. (I have not been able to confirm this) Cohesity uses the Native vlan for cluster communications and this is the reason I have set the native vlan on the port-channel interfaces. Network security best practices state you should not allow any traffic over vlan 1. Most switch vendors use the “Default vlan” of 1.  

Cisco vLAN Configuration

Switch A and B
Config t
interface port-channel4
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk allowed vlan 10,20,30
Switchport trunk native vlan 2
copy run st

Cohesity vLAN Configuration

Cohesity did not document the fact that you need to configure the first vlan interface on the node. This is needed to be able to access the user interface post network port vlan trunk conversion. The fact that they added vlan management to the user interface in 5.x is much simpler to add “Additional” vlans however the NODE ip vlan interface still needs to be done first from the shell. I’ve also noticed that vlans configured from the user interface are dynamically build and taken down on cluster starts and stops. I’m more comfortable having the NODE interface vlan statically configured as I know it will be active always regardless of other operations.

First, we must manually configure the node interface vlan on bond0

This is done by copying the existing bond0 config file

Copy config file
Cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/
Sudo cp ifcfg-bond0 ifcfg-bond0.10

Now update the config files according

Bond0 need to have all IP related info as it is no longer needed. The only remaining information is the interface bonding detail and MTU (NOTE: MTU must match on all the interfaces including the vlan interfaces)

Update bond0
Sudo vi ifcfg-bond0

BONDING_OPTS="mode=4 miimon=100"

This should be the final file contents:

BONDING_OPTS="mode=4 miimon=100"
Update bond0.10

Here we need to make some changes info to identify it as a vlan interface. First, we need to rename the device field and append the .10 (or vlan ID) to it. Next, we need to add the following fields: VLAN=yes, TYPE=Ethernet and lastly remove the bonding options “BONDING_OPTS”

Sudo vi ifcfg-bond0.10
BONDING_OPTS="mode=4 miimon=100"

This should be the final file contents


Add Additional vLANs as needed

After the initial setup of a Cohesity Cluster, you can extend your existing on-premise VLANs into the Cluster to logically separate traffic and improve performance. After you add a VLAN to the Cluster Partition, users can select the VLAN when recovering VMs, files/folders, Pure storage volumes or NAS volumes, or when cloning a vCenter Source. Some Recover and Clone tasks can auto-select the appropriate VLAN for the task, but users can override the selection.


  • VLANs are supported on the bond0 data interface only.
  • Physical Node IPs on bond0 are not supported on a tagged VLAN. (If you require this, contact Cohesity Support.)

You can manage VLANs in the Cohesity Dashboard as described below, or by using the Cohesity CLI or API.

To add a VLAN:

  1. In the Cohesity Dashboard, select Platform > Clusterand then select the VLANs
  2. Click Add VLAN.
  3. VLAN ID:Specify the ID of the VLAN you want to add.
  4. Subnet:Specify the IP address of the subnet mask bits for the VLAN.
  5. Partition:Accept the default Partition.
  6. VIPs: Specify a single virtual IP (VIP) address or a range of addresses assigned to the VLAN and then click Add VIP or Range. If providing a range, enter a complete address in the first field and just the upper limit of the range (such as 5) in the second field.

The number of VIPs for a VLAN must be equal to or greater than the number of Nodes in the Partition.

If you provide a number of VIPs equal to or greater than the number of Nodes in the Partition, the VLAN is automatically added to the Partition. If you don’t know which VIPs to use or if you provide fewer VIPs than Nodes, you can add a placeholder VLAN ID and then add the necessary VIPs later by editing the VLAN. However, you must also manually add the VLAN to the Partition by editing the Partition and using the Add VLAN option.

  1. Gateway: Specify the IP address of the subnet gateway for the VLAN.
  2. Hostname: Specify a hostname specific to the VIPs.
  3. Click Save.

If you provided the minimum number of VIPs (see above), the VLAN is automatically added to the Partition and is available to use during the supported Recover and Clone tasks.

To edit a VLAN:

  1. In the Cohesity Dashboard, select Platform > Clusterand select the VLANs
  2. In the list of VLANs, click the action menu () for the VLAN and then click the edit icon ().
  3. Change the settings as needed. Note the following:
    • You cannot change the VLAN ID.
    • If the number of assigned VIPs is equal to the number of Nodes in a Partition, you must first add new IPs, and then you can remove the old IPs. This ensures that all Nodes always have a VIP assigned.
  4. Click Save.

To delete a VLAN from the Partition:

You can delete a VLAN from the Partition without deleting it from the Cluster.

  1. In the Cohesity Dashboard, select Platform > Clusterand select the Partitions
  2. Click the edit icon () for the Partition. The VLANs are displayed at the bottom of the page.
  3. Click the delete icon () for the VLAN you want to delete.

To permanently delete the VLAN from the Cluster, use the following procedure.

To delete a VLAN from the Cluster:

If the VLAN is assigned to a Partition, you must delete it from the Partition as described above before you can delete it from the Cluster.

  1. In the Cohesity Dashboard, select Platform > Clusterand select the VLANs
  2. In the list of VLANs, click the action menu () for the VLAN and then click the delete icon ().
  3. Respond to the confirmation prompt.


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